Isaac H. Savage + Sarah Ellen Knox

Isaac H. Savage ‎(I2859)‎
Birth January 1864

Sarah Ellen Knox ‎(I2858)‎
Birth between October 1865 and 68 () 21 15
John Edward Knox ‎(I2752)‎
Birth 17 October 1843 35 21 -- Garrett Co., Maryland
Death 3 September 1907 ‎(Age 63)‎ Age: 63 -- McHenry, Garrett Co., Maryland
Jane Saylor Barnthouse ‎(I2753)‎
Birth 28 January 1850 -- MD
Death 21 July 1915 ‎(Age 65)‎ -- Farmington, Fayette Co., Wharton Twp., PA
No recorded children

Family Group Information   (F962)
Marriage 1888
Last Change 11 August 2010 - 17:43:19 - by: Sandy

Sarah and Isaac had 3 children:
Charles I. Savage b. May 1884
Sarah Alice Savage b. Oct 13, 1888
Mahlon Savage