OBIT Somerset County Leader 3/17/1944 ‎(NI0409)‎
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OBIT Somerset County Leader 3/17/1944
DAVID MARKER, infant son of Galen and Mabel ‎(Trimpey)‎ Marker of Upper Turkeyfoot Twp., die d Monday, March 13th in the Somerset Community Hospital. The child aged 4 months and 27 days , died from an attack of meningitis. Surviving are the parents and one sister, Nancy. Inter ment in I. O. O. F. cemetery.

OBIT Somerset County Leader 3/17/1944
DAVID MARKER, infant son of Galen and Mabel ‎(Trimpey)‎ Marker of Upper Turkeyfoot Twp., die d Monday, March 13th in the Somerset Community Hospital. The child aged 4 months and 27 days , died from an attack of meningitis. Surviving are the parents and one sister, Nancy. Inter ment in I. O. O. F. cemetery.

OBIT Somerset County Leader 3/17/1944

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I0409Marker, David RayDAVID RAY,MARKERMARKER,DAVID RAY810810 MY100Y100

Total individuals : 1