Shared Note
Shared Note: - Obit for Mrs. Lydia A. Baker---The Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA dated Jan. 7, 1939 (Satur day)
Mrs. Lydia A. Baker Dies at Youngwood
Mrs. Lydia A. Baker, 73 years old, widow of Wesley K. Baker, died at 4:40 o'clock Friday afte rnoon at her home in West Depot street, Youngwood. Mrs. Baker was a charter member of the You ngwood Methodist Episcopal Church. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Ida Thomas , Mrs. Ella Robertson, Paul and Harry W. Baker, all of Youngwood, and Charles Baker, Youngsto wn, Ohio. These step-children also survive; Miss Sara Baker, at home, and Edward Baker, Richa rd Baker and Mrs. J.M. Bley, all of Youngwood. The body is at the home of a daughter, Mrs. El la Robertson. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the Youngwood Meth odist Episcopal Church with Rev. J.H. MacRill officiating. Interment will be made in the Youn gwood Cemetery.
The most I could get from him was that Mary Trimpey was the first wife. That Sara Baker neve r married as he has never married. Mrs. Joseph Bley was Emma Baker. Ida Thomas' husband i s Collins. Source: Beverly Domer