Obit for Mrs. Lydia A. Baker---The Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA dated Jan. 7, 1939 ‎(Satur day)‎ ‎(NI0859)‎
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Obit for Mrs. Lydia A. Baker---The Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA dated Jan. 7, 1939 ‎(Satur day)‎

Mrs. Lydia A. Baker Dies at Youngwood

Mrs. Lydia A. Baker, 73 years old, widow of Wesley K. Baker, died at 4:40 o'clock Friday afte rnoon at her home in West Depot street, Youngwood. Mrs. Baker was a charter member of the You ngwood Methodist Episcopal Church. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Ida Thomas , Mrs. Ella Robertson, Paul and Harry W. Baker, all of Youngwood, and Charles Baker, Youngsto wn, Ohio. These step-children also survive; Miss Sara Baker, at home, and Edward Baker, Richa rd Baker and Mrs. J.M. Bley, all of Youngwood. The body is at the home of a daughter, Mrs. El la Robertson. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the Youngwood Meth odist Episcopal Church with Rev. J.H. MacRill officiating. Interment will be made in the Youn gwood Cemetery.

The most I could get from him was that Mary Trimpey was the first wife. That Sara Baker neve r married as he has never married. Mrs. Joseph Bley was Emma Baker. Ida Thomas' husband i s Collins. Source: Beverly Domer

Obit for Mrs. Lydia A. Baker---The Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA dated Jan. 7, 1939 (Satur day)

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I0859Nicklow, LydiaLYDIA,NICKLOWNICKLOW,LYDIA   186 27 February 2001FYESY100

Total individuals : 1