Shared Notes

Shared Notes
NOTETitleIndividualsFamiliesMediaSourcesLast Change
3NI0327I remember my father, Robert Cunningham, telling me about a favorite uncle that was killed when…1000 
4NI1471The Coffeyville Journal Coffeyville, KS 673371000 
5NI0090Betty Jane Traup, 79, of Rockwood, died Feb. 25 at Siemon Lakeview Manor Estate. Born Jan. 20, 1923…1000 
8NI0261A big thank you to:1000 
9NS20011ABBR Ancestral File ‎(R)‎0001 
10NS20031ABBR Cemetery Records0001 
11NS20041ABBR International Genealogical Index ‎(R)‎0001 
12NS20061ABBR Vital records as found in teacher Alois Tepe' St. Bonifatius Church records, Neuenkirchen, Germ…0001 
13NI1338ALS/Lou Gehrig's Disease1000 
14NI0939Also known as "Chub."1000 
15NI0934Also known as P. A. Kreger, served as Somerset Co. Commissioner 1927. Later owned a general store i…1000 
16NI1278And there was a Trimpe farm at Bieste/Neuenkirchen whose name in 1867 was changed to Schwietering. T…1000 
17NI1273April 27, 1865 Appeared in the Somerset Co Court and declared hisintention to become a US cit izen.1000 
18NI0268Aug. 7, 1850 Declaration of Intent to become a citizen, Somerset Co., PAVol 1, p. 2181000 
19NI0331Biographical Index to: STANDARD HISTORY OF SAUK COUNTY, VOL. II,1000 
20NI1157Cerebral Palsy1000 
21NI0015Civil War Veteran. Private, Muster Roll of Co. C 142d Pa. Vol. Inf. ‎(Source: Bedford & Somerset Co. …‎1000 
22NI0690David William Faidley, 56, of Markleton, went to be with his Lord and Savior April 1, 2003. Born Jul…1000 
23NI0305Did I tell you I am a philatelist?1000 
24NI0330Died in the County Home, in Somerset.1000 
25NI1191Died when he fell from a scaffold.1000 
26NI1091Handicapped. Never married1000 
27NI0307Harry F. Dwire, 83, of Markleton RD 1, died, Oct. 14,1982, in Somerset Community Hospital. He was b…1000 
28NI1360He is Director of Corporate Communications for the Sony Technology Center, New Stanton, PA1000 
29NI0581I have spent 12 years in the US Air Force. Currently working for General Electric. We currently l…1000 
30NI2404Information on this line from Beth ‎(Knappenberger)‎ Rachas, email of 1/18/2003…1000 
31NI0084John F. Trimpey, was a stone mason who built churches in Somerset, Fayette and Westmoreland Counties…1000 
32NI1324John Wesley worked for the WPA in the 30'sand 40's as a bridge construction supervison.1000 
33NI0381Killed in an accident while working for Penn Dot after he came home fromthe service. One of the las…1000 
34NI0490Lonna Louise Pritts Trimpey, 55, of Confluence, Pa., went to be with our Lord on Good Friday, April …1000 
35NI0480Marjorie S. Reed, 74, Shippensburg, died Sept. 1, 2006, at home.1000 
36NI1459Martha E. Nair, 87, of Siemon Lakeview Manor Estate, formerly of Edie, died Feb. 24, 2002 at the man…1000 
37NI1354Mary C. Trimpey, 85, of Markleton passed on March 10, 2003 at home. Born October 17, 1917 in Upper T…1000 
38NI0081Mary had polio in her left arm. ‎(Source: Fred Folk, 3/00)‎1000 
39NI0145Matt lives in Swansea, Massachusetts, and works as a manufacturingengineer for a medical company in…1000 
40NI1085Most likely this Trimpe family came from Klein Drehle, Lutheran church parish1000 
41NI1178No children1000 
45NI0334OBIT 3/24/19391000 
46NI0018OBIT 6/28/1946 Somerset County Leader1000 
47NI1288OBIT 12/1/19391000 
48NI0637OBIT- James A. Trimpey, 54, of Clevenger Road, Confluence ‎[Somerset Co., PA]‎1000 
49NI0859Obit for Mrs. Lydia A. Baker---The Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA dated Jan. 7, 1939 ‎(Satur day)‎1000 
50NI0123Obit in the Johnstown Daily Tribune - May 13, 1926:1000 
51NI0409OBIT Somerset County Leader 3/17/19441000 
52NI0058Owned Witt's Paint store, Somerset PA1000 
53NI0030Paul Edward, was a Methodist minister in Ellwood City, and retired from the ministry from Roanoke Me…1000 
54NI0137Played football for the University of North Carolina.1000 
55NI1190Retired from the Army1000 
56NI0240See Annals of southwestern Pennsylvania, by Lewis Clark Walkinshaw ... Vol. 4. p. 3371000 
57NI0864Single, Army Nurse1000 
58NI0314Somerset Bulletin, August 3, 19721000 
60NI0740Spent 28 years is the USAF. Spent 3 years in Saudi Arabia working. Retired from the State of FL in M…1000 
61NI1044Step daughter to Rolla1000 
62NI1469The Coffeyville Journal Coffeyville, KS 673371000 
63NI0595Thelma R. Trimpey, 87, of Boston, Pa., formerly of Somerset County and Buena Vista, died Oct. 4, 200…1000 
64NI0557This Bill Trimpey runs a sugar camp each spring and makes wonderful maple syrup.1000 
65NI0618[email protected] Kimberly1000 
66NI0664Very affluent, always gave money to the chuch. Always had out of seasonfruit items that th e poor p…1000 
67NI0607Works as a substitute school nurse for the Connelsville and SouthmorelandSchool Districts.1000 
68NI0978WW II Vet1000 
69NI1258Yes they are my kids. Ariel is 6 and Cristin is 5. do I just email youthe1000 
Total Shared Notes : 69