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Families with surname PHILLIPPIBoth alive Widower Widow Both dead Roots Leaves Marriage ? Marriage>100 Marriage<=100 Divorce Reset FAM INDI Name HUSB:GIVN Age INDI Name WIFE:GIVN Age Marriage Place Last Change MARR DEAT TREE
1 F416 I1121 Baker, Robert H Father: Baker, Adam A Mother: (unknown), Mertle Mae
ROBERT H 26 I0017 Phillippi, Gladys May Father: Phillippi, John R Mother: Trimpey, Etta
GLADYS MAY 22 90 0 Y100 Y
2 F032 I0995 Burket, George William GEORGE WILLIAM 22 I1080 Phillippi, Lois Father: Phillippi, Charles M Mother: Hemminger, Luzeba
LOIS 18 79 3 Y100 Y
3 F075 I0978 Edmiston, Dale E DALE E 29 I1079 Phillippi, Mary Jane Father: Phillippi, Charles M Mother: Hemminger, Luzeba
MARY JANE 19 71 2 Y100 Y
4 F422 I0021 Phillippi, Charles M Father: Phillippi, John R Mother: Trimpey, Etta
CHARLES M I1081 Hemminger, Luzeba Father: Hemminger, Westley Mother: Moore, Jenny
5 F145 I0019 Phillippi, Earl Howard Father: Phillippi, John R Mother: Trimpey, Etta
EARL HOWARD 19 I1198 Ohler, Elizabeth Priscella Father: Ohler, Israel David Mother: Pirl, Catherine
6 F380 I0008 Phillippi, Harry William Father: Phillippi, John R Mother: Trimpey, Etta
HARRY WILLIAM 27 I0963 Barclay, Mabel Mae MABEL MAE 28 102 3 YES Y
7 F127 I0005 Phillippi, John R JOHN R 33 I0006 Trimpey, Etta Father: Trimpey, John S. Mother: Younkin, Nancy
ETTA 19 131 10 YES Y
8 F411 I0010 Phillippi, John Sherman Father: Phillippi, John R Mother: Trimpey, Etta
JOHN SHERMAN I1056 Parsons, Pauline PAULINE 2 U Y
9 F337 I0007 Phillippi, Ray Rossy Father: Phillippi, John R Mother: Trimpey, Etta
RAY ROSSY 21 I0020 Collison, Ethel Fern Father: Cullison, Chauncy Mother: Chopson, Mary
ETHEL FERN 17 94 6 Y100 Y
10 F391 I0011 Phillippi, Rolla E. Father: Phillippi, John R Mother: Trimpey, Etta
ROLLA E. I1045 Glassburn Baird, Olive Elizabeth OLIVE ELIZABETH 3 U Y
11 F335 I1095 Pletcher, Edward Glen Father: Pletcher, Eli Mother: Romesburg, Carrie
EDWARD GLEN I0009 Phillippi, Elmira Father: Phillippi, John R Mother: Trimpey, Etta
Given NamesShow parents Total families : 11Hidden : 1 HUSB:GIVN Given NamesWIFE:GIVN Show statistics charts MARR DEAT TREE