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Individuals with surname DEAN Alive in Year Alive Dead Roots Leaves Birth>100 Birth<=100 Death>100 Death<=100 Reset INDI Name GIVN SURN Birth Place Death Age Place Last Change SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
1 I2583 Dean, Grace Phoebe Bowen Father: Dean, James W. Mother: Crawford, Hannah J.
GRACE PHOEBE,DEAN DEAN,GRACE PHOEBE 142 9 56 86 25 March 2012 - 8:48:19pm F YES Y100
2 I2585 Dean, James W. Father: Dean, Jesse P. Mother: (unknown), Sarah
JAMES W.,DEAN DEAN,JAMES W. 170 1 88 82 10 August 2010 - 2:54:52am M YES Y100
3 I2822 Dean, Jesse P. JESSE P.,DEAN DEAN,JESSE P. 195 1 10 August 2010 - 2:54:52am M YES YES R
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